12 Mei 2020

Pembahasan soal Grammar Tes Bahasa Inggris SMA/STAN/TOEFL

Pembahasan soal Grammar Tes Bahasa  Inggris SMA/STAN/TOEFL

1. She's already made her reservation for next Saturday, ....?

(A) hasn't she

(B) isn't she

(C) doesn't she

(D) hasn't it


Kata Kunci : She's (she has)

Materi: Question Tag

Jawaban: A. hasn't she

auxiliary verb pada question tag harus sama dengan auxiliary di dalam kalimat.


2. George never goes out on dates because he .... money.

(A) has so little a

(B) has very little

(C) has so few

(D) has very few 


Kata Kunci : Money, little, few

Materi: Noun (Part of Speech) dan Quantifiers

Jawaban: B. Very Little

Money merupakan uncountable noun sehingga tidak boleh menggunakan artikel 'a' maupun quantifier 'few'.

namun jika ada, lebih tepat so little karena:
a. So+determiner (many,much, few,little)

b. So+adjective (strong, beautiful, fast)

c. Very+adjective  (strong, beautiful, fast)

sehingga, very seharusnya tidak boleh diikuti little.

3. Prices for bikes at that store can run .... $250.

(A) as high as

(B) as high to

(C) so high to

(D) so high as 


Kata kunci: $250

Materi: Degree of comparison

Jawaban: A. as high as

untuk menyatakan multiple number (kenaikan jumlah) digunakan as...as


4. According to the conditions of my scholarship, after finishing my degree, .....

(A) my education will be employed by the university

(B) employment will be given to me by the university

(C) the university will employ me

(D) I will be employed by the university


Kata kunci: after finishing MY degree

Materi: Present Participle

Jawaban: D. I will be employed by the university.

Present participle digunakan untuk menunjukkan dua kegiatan dilakukan oleh Subjek yg sama. Sehingga Subjek pada kalimat tersebut harus cocok untuk kedua kegiatan yaitu. 

subjek yg cocok adalah I.

Jika kalimatnya dipisahkan:

after I finish my degree,

I will be employed by the university


5. You ..... your visa extended before it expires.

(A) had better to get

(B) had to get better

(C) had better get

(D) had better got 


kata kunci: had better

materi: Idiom

jawaban: C. had better

had better+V1, had better selalu diikuti verb 1 meskipun dalam bentuk lampau.

6. Flight nineteen from New York and Washington is now arriving at .....

(A) Gate two

(B) the gate two

(C) the two gate

(D) second gate 

pembahasan :

kata kunci: gate, second, two

Materi: Ordinal number, cardinal number, nominal number

jawaban: D. second gate

untuk menyatakan tingkatan angka digunakan ordinal number: misalnya gerbang ke satu (fisrt gate), gerbang ke dua (second gate).


7. .... to have lunch with us today?

(A) Do you like

(B) would you like

(C) will you like

(D) have you like


kata kunci: kata tanya '?'

materi: asking for permition

jawaban: B. would you like

untuk mengajak seseorang melakukan sesuatu, digunakan would you like.


8. The more he tried help her, ..... she seemed to appreciate it.

(A) less

(B) lesser

(C) the less

(D) the lesser


kata kunci: the more

materi: double comparative degree

jawaban: C. the less

dalam double comparative degree digunakan dua comparative yg diawali dengan 'The'.


The more....., the less....

the faster....., the better....

9. We arrived ..... late that there were no seats left.

(A) much

(B) too

(C) so

(D) very 


Kata Kunci: Late dan that

Materi: Cause Connectors (So...that, such....that)

Jawaban: C. So

Ketentuan penggunaan:

a. So+adjective/adverb+that

b. Such+noun phrase+that

Late = Adjective, sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah so.

Simak video trik jawab soal so...that dan such...that di Youtube.


10. Dr. Davis has contributed a great deal to this community: .....

(A) teaching, writing, and lecturing

(B) teaching, as a writer, and lecturer

(C) teaching, lecturing, and as a writer

(D) writing, a teacher, and a lecturer


kata kunci: tanda koma dan 'and' pada pilihan ganda.

materi: paralellism

jawaban. A. teaching, writing, and lecturing

jika ada beberapa kata yg di gabungkan dengan kata 'and' maka kata tersebut harus dalam klasifikasi yang sama. Jawaban a merupakan noun dengan pola yg sama.

11. I'd rather you ..... anything about it for the time being.

(A) do

(B) didn't do

(C) don't

(D) didn't 


kata kunci: would rather

materi: penggunaan would rather

jawaban: B. didn't do (simple pas), opsi D kurang verb do.


untuk menerangkan kejadian present/future: S1+Would rather+S2+Simple Past


12. Upon returning from class, .....

(A) he found a letter in the mailbox

(B) a letter was in the mailbox

(C) a letter was found in the mailbox

(D) the mailbox had a letter in it


kata kunci: upon returning from class,

materi: present participle

jawaban: A. he found a letter in the mailbox.

frasa sebelum koma menjelaskan Subjek.


ketika kembali ke kelas,.....

sehingga subjek yg cocok adalah 'he'/dia(laki)


13. This apartment ..... in the building.

(A) is biggest than any other one

(B) is bigger than any other one

(C) is biggest that any other one

(D) is bigger that any other one

pembahasan :

kata kunci: biggest, bigger, than

materi: degree of comparison

jawaban: B. is bigger than any other one

comparative degree digunakan untuk membandingkan dua/beberapa benda.

pola: adjective+er+than


14. He will not be ..... to vote in this year's election.

(A) old enough

(B) as old enough

(C) enough old

(D) enough old as


kata kunci: enough

materi: penggunaan enough

jawaban: A. Old enough

pola penggunaan enough:

a. adj+enough (old merupakan adjective)

b. enough+noun


15. It's ..... that I'd like to go on a picnic.

(A) a lovely day such

(B) too lovely a day

(C) so lovely day

(D) such a lovely day


kata kunci: so...that, such...that

materi: perbedaan so that dan such that

jawaban: D. such a lovely day.


a. so+adjective phrase+that....

b. such+noun phrase+that.... (a lovely day merupakan noun phrase).


16. His doctor suggested that he ...... a short leave of absence.

(A) will take

(B) would take

(C) take

(D) took


kata kunci: suggested that

materi: causative

jawaban: C. take

suggestet that+Subjek+v1 (selalu diikuti oleh V1 tanpa perubahan apapun/bare infinitive).


17. If Bob's wife won't agree to sign the papers, ......

(A) neither he will

(B) neither won't he

(C) neither will he

(D) he won't neither


kata kunci: neither

materi: elliptical construction

jawaban: C. neither will he


neither+auxiliary verb+Subject


18. When Jane's imployer discovered her error, he called her into his office .......

(A) to chew her out

(B) to fire her

(C) to give her the heave-h

(D) to give her her walking papers


kata kunci: when dan harus tahu maknanya

materi: konjungsi

jawaban: A. to chew he out (untuk menegurnya).

Ketika Boss jane menemukan kesalahannya Jen, Dia (boss) memanggilnya ke kantor,....

a. untuk menegurnya

b-d. untuk memecatnya

karena kesalahan tersebut, kemungkinan yg lebih besar adalah: Jane di tegur.

tidak ada keterangan terdapat kesalahan fatal yg harus membuatnya dipecat.


19. Almost everyone fails ..... on the first try.

(A) in passing his driver's test

(B) to pass his driver's test

(C) to have passed his driver's test

(D) passing his driver's test


kata kunci: fails

materi: gerund and infinitve

jawaban. B. to pass his driver's test.

 (fails+to infinitive)


20. Mary's father approved of ....... in the United States for another year in order to work toward her M.A.

(A) her to stay

(B) her staying

(C) she staying

(D) she to stay


kata kunci: of

materi: preposition

jawaban: B. her staying.


preposition+possesive (kepemilikan).

....of + her staying.

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